We have cats and dogs available for adoption through our organization.
Adopt from Austin Vet Outreach
Adult Dogs & Puppies $250
Cats & Kittens $150
We are offering low cost preventative care clinics in Carteret County.
Spay & Neuter
We offer low cost spay/neuter as well as vaccination and microchip clinics.
Austin Vet Outreach is dependent upon the support of generous animal lovers.
We Need Your Help
Volunteers are an important part of Austin Veterinary Outreach and Rescue, opportunities are varied.
Our Mission
Our mission is to educate the public about animal care and welfare, offer rescue to homeless animals and actively promote adoption, and reduce the number of animals that end up homeless in our community by providing low cost spay/neuter services, vaccines and preventative care.

A special thank you to the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament and Brandt Animal Care Fund for providing grants for our clinics and services.